Wednesday, October 14, 2009

2) Gender Roles - Sikhism - Article

Usually, our identities within society can have a major impact on us, and how others see us can predict their thoughts of what is to be expected of our actions. In this article, Exploring Sikhism – Equality, the roles between 2 different genders are depicted. It talks about women equality, and what is expected of the women by the male. The gender role between a male and a female played an important part in the everyday life, because the males and females had different responsibilities and duties, which made the actions of each very different from each other. Such as, in early Sikhism, a woman’s duty was to fulfill her husband’s requirements. A man’s sense of “right” was to overpower and rule his wife. Just like in Lather and Nothing Else, the two characters had completely different roles which made the outcome of their actions different from each other. For example, the Barber’s role was to shave his customers, and Toress’s role was to give death to those who were revolutionaries.


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