Wednesday, October 14, 2009

3) The Lonely Spider - Poem

The Lonely Spider

The lonely spider reaches out
For what, you might ask?
If not to spin his web then for what?
For his identity
The identity of him
His identity...

The lonely spider calls out
For what, you might ask?
If not for his mate then for what?
For his identity
The identity of him
His identity...

The lonely spider waits
For what, you might ask?
If not for his food then for what?
For his identity
The identity of him
His identity...

'A spider doesn't have feelings! '
How should you know?

'A spider isn't that smart! '
That could be true.

'A spider can never have a real identity! '
And neither could you, or any of us
But we try to find one even if we're not looking
And thats our life... after which we die

What have we done with our life up until then?
Either we've thrown it away, gave it up, wrecked it, lived it up to the fullest, took it for granted, or got far in it.
We still had one.
It's up to us what we shall do with it
Just like the lonely spider
Who will probably just end up on the bottom of your shoe anyways
- Andreanna Atkins

─› Our identity, and who we are in society has a great impact on our lives, whether it be, positive, or negative. In the poem above, The Lonely Spider by Andreanna Atkins, relates to the theme in many ways. Basically, the poem is about a spider who is trying to figure out who he is in life, or what he wants. Many times, he finds himself asking, or looking for his identity. Just like in the short story, Lather and Nothing Else, the Barber was trying to figure out which identity, or role, he should have played while attending Toress. He could have either chosen, ‘the Barber’, or to become the ‘revolutionary.’ Another reason this related to the theme is because whoever we are in society can actually predict our fate and the outcomes. The spider lived his life, seeking for his identity, rather than just living the free life he was given. This resulted in an early death. Comparing this to Lather and Nothing Else, would be after the Barber had made his choice. If he had decided to kill Toress, his new identity would have became, a target to kill.

*source of information:*

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